Angular Projects For Beginners With Laravel | Hotel Management System project with angular 8 and Laravel (how to install laravel project on localhost ) Part 3

Hotel Management System project with angular 8 and laravel (how to install laravel project on localhost ) Part 3

in this tutorial we will install laravel on over localhost


  1. Server  (local Server XAMPP,WAMPP)
  2. Composer


How To Install and Download XAMPP

  1. Vist website
  2. Select Yor OS Support Version And Download
  3. After Download You will get one exe file
  4. Run Downloaded EXE File And install XAMPP on your System
  5. Start XAMPP  Server 

How To Install Composer

  1. Visit website
  2. Click Composer-Setup.exe and download composer EXE File
  3. After Downloading EXE File,for install composer  click EXE file
  4. Check composer version using cmd
  5. Open Your CMD and Type composer command


After XAMPP And Composer Installation you will install laravel on your system

1. Open your CMD And Go To your XAMPP Htdocs Folder  


2. Use this command For install laravel 

Command : composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.8 angular-laravel-project --prefer-dist

3. After Laravel installation run laravel project on your web browser




Tutorial Topics