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input output devices of computer in hindi | Computer System I/O devices In Hindi

Diploma Engineering Tutorials in Hindi | Computer Fundamentals and its Applications Tutorial in Hindi

input output devices of computer in hindi | Computer System I/O devices In Hindi

Diploma Engineering Tutorials in Hindi | Computer Fundamentals and its Applications Tutorial in Hindi

Unit 1 

Computer Organization


Topic 6 : input output devices of computer in hindi   (Part 1)

Input output  devices या I /O  devices user interface   तथा  Processing system के  बिच data  के  आदान  प्रदान  करने  का कार्य  करती है।  I /O devices hardware  devices होते  है  जो  computer  system  से  connect  रहते  है | 


उदहारण के लिए :

Key - Board , Computer Mouse , Light Pen , Mike  ETC ये सभी input devices है |जिनका कार्य computer system में user data input करना है

 input output devices of computer in hindi                        input output devices of computer in hindi                       input output devices of computer in hindi


Monitor , Printer , Speakers , Plotter ETC ये सभी output devices है |जिनका कार्य computer system में उपलब्द data को output के रूप में प्रदर्शित करना है


 input output devices of computer in hindi      input output devices of computer in hindi       input output devices of computer in hindi   input output devices of computer in hindi


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