Unknown Diploma Engineering Tutorials in Hindi | My Project HD | My Project HD

Diploma Engineering Tutorials in Hindi

What is Keyboard | Types of Keyboard in Hindi | Types of Key in keyboard

Key -Board एक Input device है | जिसका उपयोग कर किसी भी प्रकार की information को type कर के computer ...

input output devices of computer in hindi | Computer System I/O devices In Hindi

Input output devices या I /O devices user interface तथा Processing system के बिच data के आदान प्रदान करने ...

Control Unit in computer system in Hindi | What is CU in Computer System

Control Unit को CU भी कहा जाता है | यह computer का traffic control system भी कहलाता है ....

Arithmetic and Logical unit of computer in hindi (ALU in computer architecture in hindi)

Computing में एक Arithmetic and Logical unit (ALU) combinational digital circuit होता है जो integer तथा binary Number ...

What is Memory in Computer in Hindi (Memory Unit in Computer System in Hindi)

Memory unit का उपयोग computer system data store करने के लिए किया जाता है इसमें store किया जाने वाला ...

Central Processing Unit (CPU) in Hindi (CPU क्या है )

Central Processing Unit (CPU) computer का सबसे important भाग है। इसे central processor या processor भी कहा जाता है....

Block diagram of computer System in Hindi

Block Diagram of Computer में Computer system का basic structure show किया है। इसमें आपको computer system की working ....