Unknown Machine Test Questions for PHP Developer | Machine Test for Web Developer | My Project HD

Machine Test Questions for PHP Developer | Machine Test for Web Developer

Student Profile Page in PHP And Mysql With Server Side And Client Side Validation| Machine Test Questions for PHP Developer

In this test task you can makeĀ Student Profile Page in PHP And Mysql With Server Side And Client Side Validation And image upload functionality you can cover following featuresĀ  in this task

Crud Operation in PHP and Mysql With Server Side And Client Side Validation | Machine Test Questions for PHP Developer

In this test task you can make Crud Operation in PHP and Mysql With Server Side And Client Side Validation. you can cover many features like jquery AJAX functionality , Server Side Validation, Client Side Validation etc

Login And Logout System With Session Management in PHP and Mysqli | Machine Test Questions for PHP Developer

In this test task you can make Login And Logout System With Session Management in PHP and Mysqli. you can cover many features like session management , database connection file , remember me option